Google Advertising Marketing Services

Why advertise on Google?

1. Unimaginable ROI:

The Click-Through Rate of Google Ads is nearly 8%, of which Display Ads brings 180 million impressions per month, and for potential buyers, Google's paid advertising gets 65% of clicks, 43% of consumers said they had seen a product in a YouTube ad before buying it. Google Ads has been in operation for nearly 20 years and has a place in the field of paid advertising. According to official data, advertisers On average, you can earn $8 from $1 in Google Ads.

2. The most used search engine:

The proportion of Google's search engine in the world has reached an astonishing figure of 90.46%, and 63,000 searches are taking place every second, which proves that Google's search engine has been inseparable from the lives of users, which means that if on Google By placing ads, you can reach the majority of consumers, so there is a greater chance of exposure to your target audience.

3. Competitors are using

According to statistics, Google accounts for 41% of the digital advertising market. Thousands of companies are using Google Ads for marketing. This has become a must for competition. If you don't participate, you are likely to be in the search engine. will drop in rank, making consumers your competitors' customers.

If you are using PPC (pay per click) as your main advertising strategy, there is no reason not to use Google Ads!

Proper nouns you need to know to operate Google Ads

Before getting started, you must first understand all the basic proper nouns that will help you build, manage, and optimize your own Google Ads. Some are specific to Google Ads, while others are common terms related to PPC, and you need to have these basics in order to generate an effective campaign!


As the name suggests, your AdRank will determine your ad ranking. As mentioned in the previous lesson, ad ranking will be affected by the Quality Score (QS), so AdRank is calculated by multiplying the highest bid amount by the QS.


The operation of the Google Ads system is based on the bidding price, which means that advertisers can choose the maximum amount of their own bidding, which will also affect AdRank. You have three bidding methods (you can make your own best choice for advertising purposes): CPC, CPM and CPE .

Cost-Per-Click (CPC / Cost-Per-Click): The cost you pay for a single click.

Cost Per Mille (CPM / Cost Per Mille): The cost you pay when exposing to users, and the exposure will be calculated in thousands.

Cost Per Engagement (CPE / Cost Per Engagement): The cost you pay each time someone interacts with your ad.

Conversion Rate / CVR:

The conversion rate can calculate the proportion of visitors to your portal page by virtue of the advertisement. The higher the CVR, the more consistent your portal page and the advertisement are, and the user experience is good.

Google Display Network (Google Display Network / GDN):

Google Ads can be placed on search pages or various web pages belonging to GDN, including many fields where Google Ads can be placed, these ads can be text or image,

Ad Extensions:

Ad extensions allow you to supplement more information in a free way. There are currently five main types, namely website, phone, address, discount and app. We will introduce them in detail in the next part.


Keywords are usually made up of one or more words and are related to what the searcher is looking for. We all know that as long as you enter a few words, you will get many search results, so as an advertiser, you can target audience to choose your keywords.

Negative Keywords: Negative keywords refer to keywords that you do not want to be ranked. Google will avoid these words when operating the bidding system. Usually, you will be indirectly related to you because of these keywords, but the audience is not. Different and choose to avoid, to avoid wasting advertising costs.

Per Click (PPC):

PPC specifically refers to the type of advertising that advertisers pay for at a cost per click. It does not belong to Google Ads, but it appears most often in paid advertising. Therefore, before placing an advertisement, you must understand the operation mode of PPC.

Quality Score:

QS is calculated comprehensively from CTR, keyword relevance, entry page quality, etc., and is an important factor in determining AdRank.

How does Google Ads work?

Google Ads can place your ads to potential consumers through a bidding model, and winning the bid will give you priority to be placed on search pages, YouTube or related websites based on the type of ad you choose.

Google Ads Ad Rank=QS*bid

The ad ranking is obtained by multiplying the highest bid amount by the quality score (Quality Socre-QS). QS is mainly determined based on the relevance and quality of the ad itself. Google mainly uses ad, keyword and landing page to match the ad object. The higher the Quality Score, the lower the cost and the higher the ad position. Therefore, in addition to advertising bids, QS should be your first consideration, because the higher the QS, the better the advertising ranking and the lower the conversion cost.

Google Ads Campaign Type

Before you can place an ad, you need to choose from three types: Search Ads, Display Ads, Shopping Ads or Video Ads. Which of these four types of advertisements should you choose? In fact, these four types of advertisements have their own characteristics, and you can decide according to your own product attributes and needs.

1. Search Ads:

Text ads appear on Google search pages alongside other search results. The advantage of keyword advertising is that you can be seen by searchers at the top of the search page. Moreover, most of the search results are in the same format as other search results, so users are less likely to feel excluded, and are even used to viewing and clicking.

Responsive Search Ads:

The response that was launched this year is that search ads are still in the testing stage. You can set different versions of the title and description. Google will use the system to choose which version to serve to users based on the results. This can help you continue to test until you find the best results. version up to now.

2. Display Ads:

It is often dominated by pictures and will appear on various web pages. The most popular options are Google Shopping and App ads, which belong to the Google Display Network.

Google's territory spans all major industries, so with the existence of the display advertising network GDN, for web page owners, they can get the income of advertising, and advertisers can promote their products or services to the appropriate audience, In addition to the typical image categories, you can also choose the two functions of shopping or app activity, and they will appear in the search page.

3. Shopping Ads

In 2017, Google Shopping Ads were officially opened in Asia. Stores can display your product ads when consumers search for related products through the settings of the product catalog on Google Merchant Center. Google will automatically crawl the information in the product catalog (Product Data), and directly present the product image, product name, price and other information in the shopping advertisement.

4. Video Ads:

Appears on YouTube, usually 6 to 15 seconds long. Video ads are usually placed before and after YouTube videos (occasionally in the middle). Many people forget that YouTube is also a search engine. The right keywords will help you place video ads without disturbing users, but at the same time. arouse their interest.

Google Display Ads in Action

After introducing the basic concepts, I will take you to the practical steps immediately. Shopping ads, video ads, keyword ads and other types require more complex settings and strategies. Therefore, this article is aimed at multimedia ads, so that you can know the key points and skills in these steps, but In fact, the operations are similar.

Step 1: Select advertising objectives and advertising types

Like Facebook ads, the first step in advertising is to set up advertising goals, so that the system will know what the marketing purpose he wants to help you achieve, and will have different follow-up steps according to this purpose. Under the premise, go to choose the type of ad you want to run.

Step 2: Create an advertising campaign

After selecting the advertising objective and advertising type, you will enter the page of creating an advertising campaign. Here is a more in-depth setting for the details of advertising delivery. There are several points that are worth noting.


In terms of regional settings, if your store is a physical storefront, it should be located near the location of the storefront. If you are an e-commerce business, please set it within the range that can be delivered, and if your service can serve the world. People offer, then relax your geographic location.

Why does region matter? For example, a yoga class in New York typically doesn't show up on a search page for "yoga class" in Taipei because Google wants to present the best search results to users, and neither do you Want to spend extra on this ad.

#budget and bids

Remember? Your bids affect the ranking of your ads on Google Ads, and the amount you bid is relative to your budget and goals, so you need to do it strategically.

Automatic bidding will first let you set a budget cap, and then let Google adjust the bidding amount directly according to your competitors in an attempt to win the bidding, while manual bidding allows you to personally set the cost of each keyword, reducing the low cost. You can measure the cost of effective advertising and decide whether to use it automatically or manually.

If you think the concept of advertising costs is still a bit vague, then you can consider CPA. CPA means that users only pay when they actually turn into customers. Although this may bring relatively high costs, you will be less anxious and more expensive than Other payment methods are easier to track and analyze.

Step 3: Create an ad group

In the step of establishing an ad group, the focus will be on the setting of the audience, which will be related to the company's understanding of its own audience. The more you understand the audience, the more you can target the right people. The benefits can also be higher.

#target object, customer layer

This part of the setting is similar to FB's audience setting. Through background, interest, gender, age and other conditions, Google can find people who are more similar to your product audience. It also has the function of tracking conversions in combination with the website, so that ads can be for remarketing purposes.


The Google Display Network is to allow your ads to be exposed on various placements, including partner websites, apps, youtube videos, etc., so if you don't want your ads to be placed with irrelevant content, you can use this function to narrow the reach and improve the efficiency of advertising, but it should be noted that too narrow the scope, which may make the advertising exposure less than expected, but will not achieve the advertising effect.

Keywords: Show ads on webpages, apps, and videos related to those keywords

Placements: Select the specific website, video, or app where you'd like your ad to appear

Topics: Show ads on webpages, apps, and videos related to these keywords

Step 4: Create an ad

Finally came to the last step before delivery. The last step is to prepare relevant creatives. For multimedia advertisements, the materials will be the images that are delivered.

#create ad visuals

There are many placements and sizes that can be placed in the Google Display Network (GDN). Google's built-in responsive advertising function can help you quickly prepare these materials, but it also has its shortcomings and shortcomings. The impact of outcomes also matters.

#title and description (for search ads)

Your ad narrative may affect whether consumers click on your ad or your competitor’s, so use these words wisely, clearly address the audience’s pain points and propose differentiated advantages in a short space of time. In addition, incorporating keywords into the title can also improve the user experience. A good title description can increase your click-through rate, but if you want to increase the conversion rate, you should pay more attention to the design of the entry page.

Step 5: Measure advertising effectiveness

The most fascinating part of digital advertising is that after it is launched, there are numbers that can directly tell you the effectiveness of the advertisement, so that you can optimize according to the effectiveness of the advertisement. If you always feel that using Google Ads is not working well, don't give up! This can happen for many reasons, here are three common mistakes:

irrelevant ads

Low Quality Score (Quality Score / QS)

Terrible Landing Page

QS will affect your ad ranking and placement, the higher the score, the better the ad placement, the more chances of being viewed and finding customers, Google will tell you the score, but you have to rely on yourself to figure out how to improve it. tried.

You can't just be serious about advertising, because the user experience after clicking through is equally important. What do these users see when they click through? Is your entry page optimized for the same keywords? Does it actually solve a consumer question or pain point? Don’t forget that these all affect your conversion rate.

remarketing ads

Remarketing is a very useful tool for advertising effectiveness and conversion rate optimization. When it comes to advertising, it means delivering ads to users who have interacted with you online but have not been converted into users. According to the statistical results, Before the average person becomes a customer, he usually needs to see your product at least seven times. If you do the following four steps, you can also track and monitor it well:

Link Google Analytics and Google Ads

plus UTM code

Track conversion rates

Integrate Google Ads and CRM

In order to track traffic, conversion rates, performance, etc., you usually use Google Analytics. After setting up your ads, don't forget to link your Analytics account to Google Ads, and you can see everything in one place at a time. The marketing campaign status of the pipeline.

The UTM code is part of the URL link, which is convenient for Google to track specific activities. You often see the URL accompanied by "?" is the UTM code. It will tell you which ad has the best conversion rate and easily help you optimize the effectiveness of Google Ads. .

A little trick is to add it when building the activity, so you don't have to fill it up manually, Google's UTM builder allows you to quickly generate UTM codes.

The conversion rate clearly tells you how many customers come from your ad. If you don’t track it, the actual benefit of your ad may be guesswork. Tracking conversion rate can also track website sales or app downloads, etc.